16 November 2013

Here's an attempt to revive my blog. Lol. Been really busy with work, and I finally had a bit of time to craft out this blogpost though ...

Here's an attempt to revive my blog. Lol. Been really busy with work, and I finally had a bit of time to craft out this blogpost though this is kind of belated. Haha. Been sick for the whole of last week too. But I'm getting better, hopefully. Haha. So here it is, enjoy folks. :D Headed out for a meet-up with friends at A for Arbites after work. When we headed there, we realised that there is a different menu for brunch and dinner. Lol. For all you food-goers out there, see below for the address: 28 Aliwal...

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10 September 2013

Hellos. Been a long while since I blogged. Haha. Was a really busy past 2 months, what with the new job and all. Also trying my best to lear...

Hellos. Been a long while since I blogged. Haha. Was a really busy past 2 months, what with the new job and all. Also trying my best to learn things faster too. =) Heh. Blessed to have such a great working environment where I can bombard people with questions and they won't hesitate to answer. =P Anyway, had a graduation photoshoot session with my clique of girls in school. Cause it was all the hype to have a graduation photoshoot, we went with the flow. Lol. But first, some photos from my graduation ceremony! The rest of the...

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14 July 2013

Okay, I have completed my first week at work. Lol. The working environment was fun and definitely vibrant. And I got treated by my bosses to...

Okay, I have completed my first week at work. Lol. The working environment was fun and definitely vibrant. And I got treated by my bosses too. Definitely wasn't expecting it. Haha. Feeling very blessed~ Hee. Always had the mentality that work is hectic, usually full of politics and that fellow collegues may not be as accommodating. My first work-week has definitely made me change that impression. Lol. Anyhow, I shall look forward to work tomorrow. Hee. =) Food that I had for the past week. =) Yummies~ Anyway, the past few weeks before work officially started wasn't that...

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24 June 2013

A new and upcoming movie is arriving in Singapore. And one of the main actors is none other than Johnny Depp! =) Woolala~ Haha. Anyway, just...

A new and upcoming movie is arriving in Singapore. And one of the main actors is none other than Johnny Depp! =) Woolala~ Haha. Anyway, just in case you are wondering, the movie is The Lone Ranger. The Long Ranger will be released in Singapore cinemas on 4 July 2013. And other than Johnny Depp, the film also stars John Reid as the Lone Ranger, Tom Wilkinson, William Fichtner, Barry Pepper, James Badge Dale, Ruth Wilson and Helena Bonham Carter. In the movie, Johnny Depp stars as a Native American spiritual warrior, Tonto. He recounts the tales of...

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10 June 2013

Sorry for the month long hiatus!! Been enjoying the last few days after the end of my 4 years in NTU and to the completion of my degree. Als...

Sorry for the month long hiatus!! Been enjoying the last few days after the end of my 4 years in NTU and to the completion of my degree. Also, the results of my FYP were also out, scoring the best results I ever got in my entire 4 years in NTU!! Woohoo! And now, I'm job hunting and passing time by helping my mother out and spending more time together as a family. =) A little update of what I had been doing. =) On 19th May, it was the TJCSB concert that was held at Singapore Conference...

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8 May 2013

Just came back from a Preview movie screening of The Big Wedding. Thanks MoovieSpy for the free pair of tickets! =D Was slightly late f...

Just came back from a Preview movie screening of The Big Wedding. Thanks MoovieSpy for the free pair of tickets! =D Was slightly late for the collection of the movie tickets because it was raining quite heavily and the trains were packed to the brim. Missed 2 trains because of the crowd. Haha. But I managed to collect it before 7pm. Phew! =P I wouldn't spoil the movie for those who are watching in the future. But expect a lot of laughter and joy, along with some tears. Not to mention that Ben Barnes is in the show...

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17 April 2013

Sorry guys, been busy with my Final Year Project (FYP) so haven't been updating regularly. =X Anyway, I am currently doing up my FYP rep...

Sorry guys, been busy with my Final Year Project (FYP) so haven't been updating regularly. =X Anyway, I am currently doing up my FYP report and have been listening to great music videos and songs on Youtube. So, I'm sharing one of the few videos that I enjoy watching and listening to. =) Give it up to Demi Lovato: Been watching her growth from a Disney Channel star until now. She has grown in leaps and bounds and it feels great knowing that the amount of hard work you put it will show in the years to come....

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23 February 2013

Disney's newest movie is here! Been on the look-out for this movie after I have seen the trailer in the movies! Take a look! =D W...

Disney's newest movie is here! Been on the look-out for this movie after I have seen the trailer in the movies! Take a look! =D Wonder if its somewhat similar to the Wizard of Oz. Haha. Guess I have to catch it when its out!! But what really does make me excited about the movie are the wonderful graphics and not forgetting, the characters of the show! The three witches of the land of Oz seem a little intriguing to me, as I read a little of the synopsis and watch the trailer. I predict a slight plot...

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14 February 2013

Sorry guys, this is a very backdated post. Haha. Been super busy with FYP and lab. Just handed in my Poster for FYP-URECA too. So it had bee...

Sorry guys, this is a very backdated post. Haha. Been super busy with FYP and lab. Just handed in my Poster for FYP-URECA too. So it had been a packed few days for me. Anyhow, my birthday last month, was a week-long (almost) of birthday celebrations and good food. Shall slowly update about the food part. LOL. =P My first celebration was with my SBS clique and we headed over to Seoul Garden at Marina Square for dinner! All of us were there! Hurrahh~ =D Thanks to Joceyln and her vroom-vroom skills, we made it there by 8PM,...

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