Graduation and Grad Photoshoot
23:08Hellos. Been a long while since I blogged. Haha. Was a really busy past 2 months, what with the new job and all. Also trying my best to lear...
Start of another chapter in my life~
23:37Okay, I have completed my first week at work. Lol. The working environment was fun and definitely vibrant. And I got treated by my bosses to...
Upcoming movie: The Lone Ranger
01:25A new and upcoming movie is arriving in Singapore. And one of the main actors is none other than Johnny Depp! =) Woolala~ Haha. Anyway, just...
End of FYP, TJCSB Concert, Universal Studios Singapore and a New Beginning
00:34Sorry for the month long hiatus!! Been enjoying the last few days after the end of my 4 years in NTU and to the completion of my degree. Als...
Preview Screening: The Big Wedding
00:02Just came back from a Preview movie screening of The Big Wedding. Thanks MoovieSpy for the free pair of tickets! =D Was slightly late f...
Last few laps for University Life
16:19Sorry guys, been busy with my Final Year Project (FYP) so haven't been updating regularly. =X Anyway, I am currently doing up my FYP rep...
Oz The Great and Powerful!!
23:39Disney's newest movie is here! Been on the look-out for this movie after I have seen the trailer in the movies! Take a look! =D W...
23rd Birthday Celebration at Seoul Garden!!
22:53Sorry guys, this is a very backdated post. Haha. Been super busy with FYP and lab. Just handed in my Poster for FYP-URECA too. So it had bee...