
End of FYP, TJCSB Concert, Universal Studios Singapore and a New Beginning

Sorry for the month long hiatus!! Been enjoying the last few days after the end of my 4 years in NTU and to the completion of my degree. Als...

Sorry for the month long hiatus!! Been enjoying the last few days after the end of my 4 years in NTU and to the completion of my degree. Also, the results of my FYP were also out, scoring the best results I ever got in my entire 4 years in NTU!! Woohoo! And now, I'm job hunting and passing time by helping my mother out and spending more time together as a family. =)

A little update of what I had been doing. =) On 19th May, it was the TJCSB concert that was held at Singapore Conference Hall. Also, the alumni band performed two pieces before the interval. Therefore, other than previously preparing for my Final Year Project, was spending Saturday nights for band practices. Definitely fulfilling! Haha. And for the alumni band members, our outfit was black top with colourful pants!!

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The Alumni Trombone section after our two pieces!!

FYI, I was wearing bright red pants. HAHAHA! =D And the concert gave me an excuse to buy new pants too!~ XD Oops!! Anyway, the TJ band put up their annual stage band performance which is quite like a musical-style short skit. It was quite hilarious and nonetheless entertaining for the audiences! Haha. Damn, I miss life in school, especially in TJ. =) Oh well, life goes on. So make the best out of everything!!~ =P

Also, after my FYP presentation and the concert, Da and I decided to go to Universal Studios Singapore! Our virgin trip there!! Feel quite sua-ku because we aren't very sure of how to get to Sentosa at first. Lol. Tourists in our own country. Oops. =X Anyhow, we woke up early to make sure we can get on the exciting rides quickly. =) And before we entered USS, photo time!

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The typical must-take photo of ourselves and the spinning globe. Lol.

Our first 2 rides were Human and Cylon. The two rollercoasters! Whoots! =D After that, we headed over to the Mummy's ride. Easily one of the most interesting rides. =) I was quite amused with the two young girls beside me because they were hugging each other so tightly and freaking out. LOL. =P Okay okay, I know I sound like a big show off. But it was really quite funny. =X Heehee. After that, we headed for a live show: Monster Rock. Haha. The actors and actresses were really very versatile, but one sad thing to take note is that Singapore is too quiet a country. Make some noise people!!~ XD Lol. After the show, we waited in line for 40 mins for the Transformers ride. Quite a good ride, but the 40 minute wait wasn't that appealing for a second try. Lol. We had our lunch at an air-conditioned food court selling Malaysian cuisine. Relatively cheaper than the food inside USS.

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More photos!~

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With Autobot, Evac. LOL.

Next up, we took a wet ride at the Jurassic portion of the park. So-so, not an impressive ride at all. Mainly for families and children I guess. =) And cause we were VERY VERY wet, we decided to dry ourselves before heading for more rides. Lol. Though we weren't totally dry, we went for the roller coasters again, in hopes that we can dry off faster. HAHAH =P So we went another time for Human and 4 more times for Cylon. LOL! Totally losing the thrill of the ride at the end. Lol. Totally made full use of the time in USS. And we left for Vivocity at the closing time. =) Whoots!! Hopefully there will be more additions and rides into USS the next time we head back! =)

And finally the last event for the update! Was given free movie tickets by MoovieSpy for the Premiere of Epic in 3D! =)

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Apparently during the premiere of the movie, there was this person in a costume of one of the characters in the movie. There were so many children going to watch the movie too! =) Lol. Anyway, it is a great movie for the family and even for Da and I. Who said cartoons are to be watched by children only. =) Heehee.

Anyway, so now marks the end of my life in University. Provided I do not continue furthering my studies. Lol. Now, I hope I can get a good job and save up, and finally start guiding my life to the path I wish for it to be. Cheerios everyone! Good hunting (for jobs)!! =D

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