
Start of another chapter in my life~

Okay, I have completed my first week at work. Lol. The working environment was fun and definitely vibrant. And I got treated by my bosses to...

Okay, I have completed my first week at work. Lol. The working environment was fun and definitely vibrant. And I got treated by my bosses too. Definitely wasn't expecting it. Haha. Feeling very blessed~ Hee. Always had the mentality that work is hectic, usually full of politics and that fellow collegues may not be as accommodating. My first work-week has definitely made me change that impression. Lol. Anyhow, I shall look forward to work tomorrow. Hee. =)

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Food that I had for the past week. =) Yummies~

Anyway, the past few weeks before work officially started wasn't that free for me either. Haha. =) Went to S.E.A. Aquarium at Resort World Sentosa with my family. =) A lot of photos from that, but I will dedicate another entry just for those bombardment of photos. LOL. =P I also took up an events job, working at the SKII booth at Raffles Place. It was a short stint of 5 days so it kind of allowed me to pass the free time I had. =) Made a few new friends there too. But it was also my last events job before joining the workforce full-time. Heh. =)

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Me and the SKII photo-booth where you could take a photo and get a free gift. =)

Other than that, I also went to Jasmine's house for a bake-fest~ Haha. We wanted to bake something new but we had to get rid of that plan because we couldn't find the required ingredients in NTUC. So we made the same chocolate cookies like before. Lol. Will update about that later when I am free, along with the how-to-dos and the ingredients and not forgetting, the glorious photos. =) Haha.

Okay then, Imma gonna head for an early night. Toodles y'all. Will update this space soon~ =D

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