
Exams no more~

Woohoo! Exams have ended!! Super happy. Need a change in pace man! Heh. Though I'm still going back to school tomorrow. Bleah. Haha. Any...

Woohoo! Exams have ended!! Super happy. Need a change in pace man! Heh. Though I'm still going back to school tomorrow. Bleah. Haha. Anyway, lesser stress now! =D Hee.

Oh ya, have put up a Selling Post to sell away some of my clothes. I'm re-packing them nicely so can send out asap if somebody does buy from me. Heh.

Anyhow, today was my last paper. Hope my results would be okay. I mean, this semester has been much more crazy for me, because of URECA. Also hope I can finish most of my cell culturing by this December and I can continue with the proteomics part. Till then, still a long long way to go for this project. Gahhs. =X Haha. And yesterday was Da's birthday. Heh. Still haven't bought anything for him yet. Oh no!! =X Too busy studying for the exams nia. Oops.

Going to rest now. Need to hand in lab report tomorrow too. Nights all! =D

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