
The Week Before Christmas

Have been to school almost every day for the past 2 weeks. Quite busy with URECA and was busy preparing for TJCSB concert too. And yes, you ...

Have been to school almost every day for the past 2 weeks. Quite busy with URECA and was busy preparing for TJCSB concert too. And yes, you should be wondering why TJCSB concert. Haha. Because there wasn't enought trombonists, some of the alumni, me included, have to play for the main band items. So basically, we were playing for the entire concert. Haha. Okay, I'll just start from URECA, meeting with Fei for dinner and then, end with the concert. Haha. =D

Anyway, URECA has been like same old same old. Tedious, tedious, tedious. But then, I'm learning something new almost everyday. Haha. Was doing Silver staining for my SDS-PAGE protocol, and I got a pretty pattern.
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This took up about 8 hours of my time... Definitely cannot tell that this took so long right? Casting the gel alone took about 1.5h. Then there's the loading of the samples and the running of the gel via electrolysis, about 1.5 hours again. And finally, the visualising of the bands. That visualising process takes up about 4-5hours. Because it involves a lot of solvents and the washing periods are about 15-30 mins each. Gosh. Processing is so time-consuming. =X But at least I probably only have to run the gel once. =)

Also, last week was the "Buy One Get One Free Cuppa Starbucks Christmas Flavours Coffee". So Da and I got 2 cups. I ordered the Hot Version while Da got the Cold Version of Toffee Nut Latte. Heh. Shiok!! =D
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Then I had to rush back to the lab to continue my experiments. Gahhs. LOL.

Met up with Fei last Monday too. Ate at Hot Tomato, at NEX. Nice ambience, good food, relatively affordable and fills the tummy real well. Haha. Did some catching up and we walked around NEX. I bought another pair of shoes, because like I said, I spoil my shoes very quickly. =X Some photos of us and our food.
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Think this was Salmon Linguine.
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Mine, Mushroom Alfredo.

Last Saturday was the TJCSB Kaleidoscope 2011 Concert. The most tiring concert I EVER had. Because on the concert day itself, I had to side-read 7 new pieces of songs and performed them at night. Never so tired before. But I definitely liked the Alumni Band Songs, On Main Street and Enchanted. Nice!~ =) Didn't take much photos because I was too tired. My internal battery was running kind of low. Lol.

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My TKGS and now, TJ junior. Trombonists FTW!~

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Fascinated by Miss Chew's new toy. LOL!
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Miss Chew and her cake! Her age shall be kept a secret. LOL. =D
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Zhiying and I. Me looking like a retard. Haha. I think my contacts made my eyes bigger. Hurhur. =P

Finally left the school at 1AM. And Miss Chew fetched me home. Hurray to Miss Chew. LOL. =P Anyway, this week will be spent on URECA again, as usual. Probably won't be blogging much. Or probably only during the weekends, and it'll then be a longlong post, like this. Haha. Till then... =D

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