
Tiring Week

This has been a long and tedious week for me. But then again, cannot compare with other people, everyone has their own difficulties too. Lol...

This has been a long and tedious week for me. But then again, cannot compare with other people, everyone has their own difficulties too. Lol. Anyway, this week feels especially ardous for me. =X Monday to Thursday was spent on URECA. About a few hours per day, especially Wednesday, 5 hours. But there wasn't any contamination for my cells, so HURRAY! XD Hate it when there's contamination. Haha. Anyway, Tuesday was the first general meeting for the URECA club. Met my fellow commitee members for the first time too. And I am really the only Singaporean in the commitee. But it was okay, I mean, its always good to know multi-cultural friends. =)

Today, I went for my Eyebrow treatment again. Lol. Second time to Pink Parlour. The lady who did my brows still remembered me, and my Dad. LOL! For those who dunno, my Dad went into that shop before and asked whether he could do his brows too. I was like O_O. Oh no!!! He is NOT my Dad. LOL! =X But as usual, he joked around, made everyone amused. Haha. I hate to admit it, but I love that part of my Dad. But noooo, I'm not going to say that in front of him. Haha!! =D And yes, my brows are back again. They were already slowly disappearing the past month. Haha. =X Wanted to do my brows then I dun have to draw them for the next month cause its the exam period. Heh. Laziness. =D

And now, I'm still in school, mugging and writing this entry. Till then, cheerios everyone. And to those with upcoming exams, you can do it!!!! XDD

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