
Post Exam Activities

Whoots! Ended Year 3 with a bang. Haha. Never have I had 3 days consecutive papers. Very hectic and at the third day, my eyes were very droo...

Whoots! Ended Year 3 with a bang. Haha. Never have I had 3 days consecutive papers. Very hectic and at the third day, my eyes were very droopy. -.- Haha. And the next day, I fell sick. Kind of deserved it, cause I didn't take a well-deserved rest as I promise myself that I would. But anyway, it healed up fast and I managed to clear the remaining 2 papers after that. And now, all I am left with is one more semester of studying and the last semester for my FYP.

Been looking at a lot of people from my batch. Many of them are graduating, those with 3 year programs, and that got me thinking. What do I want to do with my life? Been thinking whether research is a career choice for me. I have always liked working in a lab, playing with my cells. (Gosh, I sound like a nerd. LOL) But, I thought, research is definitely something very different than what I am doing now. I am still being supervised and have a great mentor. But when I really do start my PhD, I would definitely not have such a luxury. So its back to the drawing board while I plan on what job I really wish to pursue. Haha. I know I have one more year to think about my future career prospects, but it's never to late to plan early. =) Nevertheless, I am not going to think about it, just yet. Lol. Contradictory, I know. That's really how a girl's mind works. =X

Anyway back to my life. Lol. Sorry for sounding so self-centered. =X My exams ended one day earlier than my clique of friends. So I was busy playing DOTA and catching up on Vampire Diaries and some Taiwanese Drama called The Fierce Wife/犀利人妻. Both have excellent story plots, especially the latter. The next day, I headed to Marina Square, Pink Parlour to do my brows. And I also signed a package of 7 brow waxing treatment for 2 years. So, saved about $10 overall. Well, I have been there so many times already, and I only entrust my brows to one lady. LOL! And later, I met up with Holly for dinner and shopping. I did no shopping, but Holly did. Lol. Pardon my lack of intelligence of brands, I just found out that Aldo is kind of branded. /facepalm I know I know. Haha. All I want are good shoes that looks nice and last long and are not too expensive. I'm simple like that. Haha. =P Then again, I think my parents and bf are lucky that I'm not swayed by brands. Well, not yet anyway. LOL! Probably when I start working and have the right to spend more, then I will indulge myself in brands. Till then, I am a poor girl. D= HAHA.

Anyway, I won a pair of tickets to watch Avengers this coming Monday! So happy! First time I blogged about Avengers, and I was lucky enough to bag myself one pair of tickets! I managed to save my bf $$ too. Haha. Think he was slightly happy, though he is still busy about his FYP and stuff. Gonna take loads of pictures then. See whether I'll meet anyone I know on Monday. So excited! =) Anyway, Imma going back to play DOTA! Skywrath Mage! =D

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