Have been to school almost every day for the past 2 weeks. Quite busy with URECA and was busy preparing for TJCSB concert too. And yes, you should be wondering why TJCSB concert. Haha. Because there wasn't enought trombonists, some of the alumni, me included, have to play for the main band items. So basically, we were playing for the entire concert. Haha. Okay, I'll just start from URECA, meeting with Fei for dinner and then, end with the concert. Haha. =DAnyway, URECA has been like same old same old. Tedious, tedious, tedious. But then, I'm learning something...
9 December 2011
Catching up with Lokes and my new journal
00:15During my exams, really neglected my friends, so I'm now trying to meet up with them more. =) Heh. Met up with Lokes and her Mom recentl...
During my exams, really neglected my friends, so I'm now trying to meet up with them more. =) Heh. Met up with Lokes and her Mom recently. Had dinner together at Parkway, Ichiban Boshi! =) Whoots. I love Japanese food! XD And as usual, I ALWAYS get Tempura Udon. It's like I'll never get sick of it. Lol. Then, Lokes got Cha Soba and a plate of Salmon Sashimi. Haha. As usual for her too.My Mom got Kitsune Udon. The sweet beancurd udon. Quite nice. And Lokes' Mom was too anxious for her food, so she already started...
1 December 2011
Exams no more~
23:30Woohoo! Exams have ended!! Super happy. Need a change in pace man! Heh. Though I'm still going back to school tomorrow. Bleah. Haha. Any...
Woohoo! Exams have ended!! Super happy. Need a change in pace man! Heh. Though I'm still going back to school tomorrow. Bleah. Haha. Anyway, lesser stress now! =D Hee.Oh ya, have put up a Selling Post to sell away some of my clothes. I'm re-packing them nicely so can send out asap if somebody does buy from me. Heh. Anyhow, today was my last paper. Hope my results would be okay. I mean, this semester has been much more crazy for me, because of URECA. Also hope I can finish most of my cell culturing by this December...