
S95 at Comex~

Bought a new camera, Canon S95 at Comex todayy! Whoots! Cost is $599. Been aiming for this camera since last year when it first launched. A...

Bought a new camera, Canon S95 at Comex todayy! Whoots! Cost is $599. Been aiming for this camera since last year when it first launched. Actually, I have been contemplating this buy for quite awhile. Eh, I have been slowly trying to curb my impulsive buying attitude you know! LOL. XD Anyway, after buying it and taking a few test shots, I think its defintely worth it!!!

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I haven't exactly tried the full range of the camera functions, but I love the auto function, which is great for camera noobs, like me. Hurhur. =D Also, there's a manual function to it whereby the aperture and shuttle speed can be manually adjusted. But since I'm not too sure of the correct usage of it, I'll probably stick with the Auto function for now. Lol. =X This is also my first camera, officially. The previous one was bought by my Dad, but it was collecting dust until he gave it to me to use, because I desperately needed a camera as I was going for my exchange to Brisbane. I mean, whats the use of going to another country without bringing a camera along to take some photos as memories. =) Haha. And ya, the camera is also my belated 21st birthday present from my parents. So happy and satisfied man!!~ XD

Also, Da bought a new Western Digital harddisk that is exactly the same as the one I'm currently using. 500GB. And he bought it at $20 lesser than the time I bought mine. Sigh. With technological advancements, all the older models are becoming worthless soon. So to buy it now or to wait for awhile for a newer version, now, that's a big headache. =X Lol. Also, I went to give a surprise visit to my cousin who was working at Starhub. Haha. And later, I went to collect my free gifts at level 1.

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There's free 8GB memory card (x2), a camera case, a flash drive, a tripod and a camera bag. But I love the camera case, it's so vintage-looking. And it matches the colour of my bag, and probably the floor of my room too. LOL. XD

Alrighty, cheerios~

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