
Cleo Event and Random Musings

Long week today. Cause the usual 4-day week has become extended to a 5-day week. Probably the same for next week too. =X Haha. Anyway, its s...

Long week today. Cause the usual 4-day week has become extended to a 5-day week. Probably the same for next week too. =X Haha. Anyway, its still okay for me, have to go back lab to cultivate my cells. They're my new babies. LOL!!

Anyway, I was having a bad stomach for the last few days. Been waterfall-ing for consecutively 5 days. So I went to see the doctor. And he told me: No Milk-related products, no chilli, no fried stuff for the next 2 days. He recommended me eating "hard" stuff like Toasted Bread and Rice. Strangely when he said "hard" stuff, I was imagining myself eating a rock. =X I'm weird. HAHA. Anyway, because of that, me and my Mom went to Everything with Fries for dinner. Yesyes, I know. I'm supposed to be sick, and yet, why am I still eating at such a sinful restaurant. =S

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Recommended my mother: Egg in a Soup

My mom was like: Oh no!! Is it milky? Aiyo, you cannot eat also. Aiya... (in Chinese) And then she drank one mouthful... ehh, not bad ahh. I was giving her the -_____- face. Sigh. My mother, the clown. =X

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0Here's mine. Toasted sandwiches with Tandoori Chicken. And of course, fries~ Which my mother gobbled down (ALOT), while saying how unhealthy it was. Haha. And ya, after that, home time~

Armed with my new camera, I got busy taking some shots with my friends in school. Dang, I love the lighting~

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Ahh, the last picture with Fiona posing happily with the 4 packets of fries shows how addicted we are to the new Macdonalds' Cheese-y Shaker Fries. Holy nice~

Also, I attended the Cleo Star event with my bff, Holly~ Quite fun, when the MUA was dolling me up. I look different when I saw myself. For your eyes only:
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The eye makeup was quite loud. And a few ppl were looking at me because of it. Must be thinking I'm some crazy chick with super thick eye makeup. Lol. But it was really very well done especially on camera. Kudos to the MUA, it was a guy apparently. And after that, we went to the Food Court for lunch. As usual, I headed for Pepper Lunch~

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Holly's Terriyaki Chicken with Rice

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My Chicken Pepper Rice with added Cheese!!

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And yes, the cheese makes a lot of difference~~ XD

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Stuff in the goodie bag given by Cleo.

Really, every girl should try out the Cleo Star event. Whether if you want to be discovered as a talent or whether you're just in to get some experience, have some fun and make new friends. =D And its really worth it~ You'll get free samples from Himalaya Herbals, KATE Cosmetics and a voucher from Denizen!!! Whoots! =D

Toodles~ XD

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