
52nd monthniversary

30th August 2012 marks the 52 months that we have been together. I wouldn't say that our relationship is all smiles and sunshine. Inevi...

30th August 2012 marks the 52 months that we have been together. I wouldn't say that our relationship is all smiles and sunshine. Inevitably, a relationship can never be like that. But I do hope that he is my soulmate and that I can share my life with him through thick and thin in the years to come. He is the best bf I can ever hope for~ =D All right, so cheesy. Can't stand myself. =X Anyway, he's beside me when I'm typing this paragraph. Later he um-chio. LOL. =P


So ya, we celebrated our special day by going to Sushi Tei @ NEX for dinner. It was a weekday (Thursday), so we couldn't do anything spectacular. Hurhur. =) So ya, Sushi Tei is my favourite Japanese restaurant (currently). Hee.

Food was served quickly as compared to the wait to enter the restaurant. =) Yay! Itadakimasu!

P>S. Photos are taken by my phone camera, so the resolution is not that good =X

Sashimi Salad with Sushi Tei Dressing. This is like the cheaper version of sashimi, with vegetables. Haha. We often go for this because its healthy and it allows us to eat some sashimi without ordering the more expensive ones. However, of course, the fish is definitely not as good as Salmon Belly Sashimi. Hee. =P

Terriyaki Steak with Garlic Slices. We ordered Medium Rare for this. Haha. He prefers it medium while I prefer rare. Ya ya, I know, I like blood-ier steak. =X Anyway, the steak was really very tender. With a slice of the steak along with the terriyaki sauce and garlic slices, the taste was splendid~ For a beef lover, this shouldn't be missed!! =D

As usual, I ordered my favourite, Tempura Udon! =D Haha. I like it with a sprinkle of chilli powder and the Tempura sauce for dipping my tempura prawns in~ =D Hee. Without fail, this didn't disappoint again! =D

Da's meal. Forgot the name of it, but I think it was Oyako Don. Simmered chicken and egg with rice, in simpler terms. Heh. The chicken wasn't too dry as compared to the previous time he ate this. Also, the egg wasn't fully cooked, just nearly. The chicken and eg combi literally melted in my mouth. Oishii!!~ Apparently the cooks at NEX cooked it better! Heh. =D

Got a snapshot of us, our 52nd monthniversary dinner~ =D Though simple, it was filled with lots of love <3 Heh.

Got bored and decided to do a collage~ LOL

Anyway, just had a tiring day in school today. =X Had to wake up at 6am today to go lab and later lessons. And when lessons ended, headed back to lab again, and did my lab work till 9pm. Very shag! Haha. =X And I was plenty pissed off by one person in the lab today. Gahhs. Shall not mention about the selfish, incorrigible, pretentious know-it-all (because the person actually does not know much) person. Shall go meditate and snooze. Cheers y'all! And good night =D

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