
Day 5: Meetup with Nicky and Jimmy > NY Bagels > 淡水 Danshui Laojie > 渔人码头 Fisherman’s Wharf > 士林夜市 Shilin Night Market

After a fulfilling (stomach-sense. lol) night at Raohe Night Market yesterday. We decided to snooze in and meet up with my Taiwan friends. H...

After a fulfilling (stomach-sense. lol) night at Raohe Night Market yesterday. We decided to snooze in and meet up with my Taiwan friends. Haha. I met Nicky and Jimmy in Brisbane, and we shared the same house for about 4-5 months. They were the best housemates I can ever ask for!! =D We were always making stuff for each other to eat, well it was easy too, cause seriously, Chinese dishes are more or less similar in almost all countries. Haha. Gosh, and with a blink of an eye, 1 year has passed already. Haha. =) So now, onwards to Day 5!

We woke up late and headed to NY Bagels for brunch! =) In case you were wondering, NY Bagels is in Q Mall, Level 1, just opposite Starbucks. Heh. We had a seat outside cause it was fully packed on a Saturday. Haha.

Jimmy was slightly late, so I took a photo with Nicky. =D
Oooh, my favourite, Eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon.


Then, we were discussing on where we should head out today. So we decided to head to 淡水 Danshui! Heh. So ya, we took MRT from Taipei Main Station to Danshui station, end of the red line. Do take note of the terminal station of the train, because we boarded a train that terminated early, at Beitou station. Trains can either terminate at Danshui Station or Beitou Station, so do take note when boarding!! =) The journey took about 40 mins, but we were looking at the scenery and catching up, so time flew by. Heh. =D After alighting at the station, we took the exit to the left, and facing us was a beach-like area, with the sea at the horizon. There were so many people there!! Well ya, weekends and all. Haha. Anyway, photo-bombs below. =P

Danshui Laojie! This was taken at about 5pm, when we were heading out.



Tall ice-cream. Haha. It melted quite fast cause it was quite a hot day. Booo! LOL.
Many different flavours of Taiwan sausage.
I distinctively remembered a Wasabi-flavoured one. LOL
Another view of Danshui Laojie, taken at about 2pm. Observe the difference in the amount of people. Haha.
Sour Plum Juice/Water.
A hit with the Taiwaneses, and probably older folks too. =)

After that, we decided to get to 渔人码头 Fisherman’s Wharf. But of course, without the lead of our tour guides, Da and I would definitely be lost. LOL!! So ya, in case any of you guys want to know. Heh.

We walked towards the end of Danshui Laojie to a park-like area, which I remembered was a Traffic Circle type of road. So ya, follow the arrow. =)
Up a steep road, to a main road

And from this main road, cross to the other side (straight ahead), and turn left. There will be a bus stop ahead, and there are a few buses that can be taken to head over to 渔人码头 Fisherman’s Wharf! I remembered taking a bus called Bus Red-26. But I think buses 836 or 837 are also feasible, just ask the driver before boarding ya. =) Heh. So we took the bus all the way to the terminal stop where everyone (of course) leaves. Haha. So we were welcomed with the breathtaking sight and strong winds. It made me regret wearing a dress out. Bahh!! =X



All of us! Haha. Da looked weird. LOL!!
On Lover's Bridge. Damn my dress, it was hard to take a flattering shot! D=
More pictures can be seen on my facebook!

After "hiking" up the bridge, we took a bus back to Danshui. Then our tour guides decided to bring us to a place that sells the Taiwanese delicacy, Ah Gek 阿给! And I have noticed that a lot of blogs say that one should try 阿给, but never put directions on how to get there. So ya, I tried. Pardon my ugly black arrows. I'm using a very old version of Adobe Photoshop ya!! D= LOL!

To get to the famous Ah Gek 阿给! Up the winding slope!
This is the more famous 阿给, but when we headed over (5.30pm), it was already sold out. Boo!
But there was another stall a bit further up that also tasted quite good, according to Nicky. Heh.
I know, it doesn't look too appetising, but believe me, once you have one bite, you'll definitely order another one!!!
阿给 with the glorious home-made sauce. Simply splendid!!! =D

After that, we headed back to Danshui to get a drink. =)
Another famous bubble tea brand in Taiwan!
Indulge me in this cute doggie. Thank you =P

By the time we were done, it was about 6.30pm. We headed back to 淡水 (Danshui Station), and took the MRT to 剑潭站 (Jiantan Station) to get to 士林夜市 Shilin Night Market!! And yes, don't be mistaken by the Shilin Station!!! So after alighting, we followed the crowd, and headed to the Night Market. Haha. =)

From across the street, Shilin Night Market is quite noticeable, I mean, look at the gi-normous Adidas sign. Sheesh. LOL!

Cold noodles! I wanted second helpings for this, because it was so freaking nice!! But they said I shouldn't be stuffing myself for the first snack. Booo!
The cold noodles are served with cucumber and a slightly tantalizing peanut sauce. You can request the different spicyness level you want. =)
The famous Big Chicken Cutlet thingy!! Lol.
Delicious, but the annoying bones irritated me. LOL
水煎包. Ooooh, filled with the natural goodness of meat~ Mmmm.
Quite juicy too, had to made sure the "zup" did not spill out. Hurhur.
Another famous delicacy: Ah Zhong Mian Xian (阿宗面線)! But sadly, the vermicelli came together with large intestines instead of oysters. So, not as much kick as the Raohe Night Market's Oyster Vermicelli. Haha. Personal preference yo! =)
Then, we headed out, cause both Nicky and Jimmy had to rush back home. =)
Last photo of the four of us before Nicky took a bus back home.

Then the four of us took the MRT back to Taiwan Main Station. And we walked back to Ximen Station, with guidance from Jimmy. Haha.
Last photo with Jimmy. =)

After that, Da and I walked back to our hotel, washed up and wham-ed on our beds and KO-ed. Long, tiring but fulfilling day with our dear Taiwanese friends! Miss them so much! =) Hope they come to Singapore one day, and we can be the tour guides!! =)

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