
Gathering @ Ichiban Boshi

The final entry for the day. This was on the 20th October. I remembered rushing to Parkway from school with Da that day. Horrifying experien...

The final entry for the day. This was on the 20th October. I remembered rushing to Parkway from school with Da that day. Horrifying experience... I don't ever want to go home at 530pm every again!! LOL. Okay, I'm exaggerating. =X Heh. But it's really very squuezy and tiring, squashing with people trying to rush back home, probably for dinner or maybe like us, meeting our friends for dinner. But anyhow, we were late, but we had a valid excuse!! Lol. Anyhow, we went to Ichiban Boshi at Parkway for dinner with Miss Chew, Bao Wen and Lian Wei. =)

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Ichiban Boshi @ Parkway~

Have I mentioned how much I simply adore Japanese food. But then, I only always eat Tempura Udon. =P Think everyone knows I am a rigid tick that loves to stick to one type of food everywhere I go. LOL. And that's why I am friends with many uncles and aunties that sell food. I do get more food too. *sniggers* Alright, no idea why I'm bragging. Nothing much to brag about anyway. LOL. And yes!!! FOOOD!!

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My Tempura Udon came first. =) But I only nibbled a bit, cause I wanted to wait for everyone's food to come before I show my true food-sucking power. XP

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Sesame seed-crushing machinery. Lol.
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Miss Chew's Pork Cutlet Rice with Chawamushi Set. Very expen$ive. =X

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Da, BW and LW ordered the same thing. Think it was Chicken Cutlet rice. Apparently it was quite filling nia. =P Hee.

After that, gossiped ALOT and walked about awhile. Then Lian Wei sent me back home. =) Woots!

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