28 October 2012

It's been about a year since our (all 3 of us) last meet-up! Super long overdue catch up. =D Haha. Anyway, I had a project meeting in sc...

It's been about a year since our (all 3 of us) last meet-up! Super long overdue catch up. =D Haha. Anyway, I had a project meeting in school before that, so I rushed home and washed up before heading out to meet them since we are meeting so near my house. Mooshi Bakes 131 East Coast Road, 428816 Opening Times: Mon - Thu: 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm Fri: 12:00 pm - 1:00 am Sat: 10:00 am - 1:00 am Sun: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Tel: 6346 7604 Since it's so near my house, I practically walked...

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21 October 2012

Went to Wild Honey @ Mandarin Gallery last weekend, because one of my friends had a particular craving for it. Haha. And after that meal, ...

Went to Wild Honey @ Mandarin Gallery last weekend, because one of my friends had a particular craving for it. Haha. And after that meal, I knew why. Lol. It was basically breakfast sets all day long. Truthfully, the food was quite good, but I thought the manager had some issues. Well, the situation goes... The concept of having zero menus really confounded me and later, when I wanted to take a photo of the chalk-board menu (because we wanted to decide what we wanted first, else we would probably end up hogging the queue), the staff stopped...

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14 October 2012

Guess this is what everyone's waiting for! The giveaway results! =D Haha. This is my first time conducting a giveaway, so give chance k?...

Guess this is what everyone's waiting for! The giveaway results! =D Haha. This is my first time conducting a giveaway, so give chance k? =P Hurhur. Anyway, only 4 people participated so, there's a 50-50 chance. =) So ya, I used a random number generator: So the numbers 3 and 1 are chosen. Congratulations to Jingxin and Yanni! Jingxin will be receiving the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs (Medium Glow) and Yanni will be receiving the Sally Hansen Continuous Treatment Hardener!! Congratulations again! Will contact you guys as to how to redeem your prizes! =D Anyway, I think I...

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7 October 2012

Just had my second session (1st October) with MUSEE for my second underarm IPL! =) I reached at 11am, just in time for my session, and aga...

Just had my second session (1st October) with MUSEE for my second underarm IPL! =) I reached at 11am, just in time for my session, and again, I was out by 11.15am. Haha. Really fast and the service quality is still good. If you want to know the exact step-by-step procedures they do, just click this link First IPL Underarm Experience with MUSEE. This time I was more pro-active and I asked more questions. The lady who tended to me was polite and didn't seem to mind when I bombarded her with questions. So, good customer service for...

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3 October 2012

The dinner was actually last weekend, 23rd September, the Formula 1 racing day! =P Heh. Anyway, it was for my senior's 26th birthday, an...

The dinner was actually last weekend, 23rd September, the Formula 1 racing day! =P Heh. Anyway, it was for my senior's 26th birthday, and it was held at De Classic Golden Spoon at Tiong Bahru area. It is a little hard to get there if you are taking by public transport. But we reached there by car, courtesy of HC. LOL. So we reached at about 7pm and began ordering our food while waiting for one more person to arrive. We were also in a prime area to watch F1 because there was a HD-TV right beside our...

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