31 August 2011

Went to Pink Parlour @ Marina Square to do my brows todayy! Whoots! Extremely large difference man! LOL. Haha. The large difference is pro...

Went to Pink Parlour @ Marina Square to do my brows todayy! Whoots! Extremely large difference man! LOL. Haha. The large difference is probably cause I didn't do anything to my brows when I took the before photo. Lol. But still, its a great change. =D Shall start on the happenings on my brow treatment. My appointment was for 11.30AM on Saturday, 27th Aug. Arrived on time. Was asked to write about my contact details and stuff. Also, on previous treatments I may have done somewhere else. After that, I waited less than 5minutes before I was ushered...

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